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MODO Venues one-ticket

Palazzo Soliano-Museo Emilio Greco, Piazza Duomo

Ph. Number +39 0763 343592

The one-ticket for the MODO Venues is available during 5 days.

It allows to visit:

Cathedral – Chapel of S. Brizio + Orvieto's Duomo

Palazzo Soliano - Collezione "Museo E. Greco"

Palazzi Papali

Libreria Albèri

Chiesa di Sant'Agostino

Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli
when open for exhibitions or other events

One-ticket cost
€ 5,00

Ticket for Cappella di San Brizio in Duomo + Duomo di Orvieto € 3,00

Ticket for the following venues € 4,00:

Palazzo Soliano - Collezione "Museo E. Greco"

Palazzi Papali

Libreria Albèri

Chiesa di Sant'Agostino

Free entrance:
Children until 6 years
Teachers accompaning students
Disabled people and helpers
Journalists with Association Card

Opening hours

Carta Unica Orvieto

The Museum of Orvieto's Opera del Duomo is part of Carta Unica Orvieto
The Carta has no expiry date and you can use it at a later date.
You can buy the Carta Unica at the selling point located in Piazza della Pace parking (behind the Rail Station, seasonal opening) and at the tickets points of the museums and monuments included in the Carta.

Museo dell’Opera del Duomo di Orvieto

Opera del Duomo di Orvieto - 26, Piazza del Duomo - 05018 Orvieto Tel +39 0763 342477 - Fax: +39 0763 340336
email: info@museomodo.it

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